Section 2.10: Remonetizing the Treasury’s Gold

In a piece published in I outline a way Trump could do just such a thing which was outlined by financial analyst Luke Gromen in his conversation with Forex Analytics Dale Pincerts. Pincert worries that Trump (or Harris) would use an Executive branch to devalue the US dollar overnite. He asked Gromen if there is such a mechanism, which was the thrust of my piece, which I reproduce below.

Tiger and Joe: Don't Know When to Quit

Tiger responded to Monty by pointing out that as a past champion he’s exempt from qualifying until he’s 60 and has the luxury of making the decision whether to play, unlike Monty who never won the Open and doesn’t have that automatic spot. He would have to qualify. Joe, similarly, has all the delegates to be the Democratic nominee and therefore it’s his decision whether to run or quit. 

Price Discovery Equals Short Sales

“As stressed loans grow due to maturities, however, we expect that banks will start selling these more challenged loans to reduce their troubled loan exposures,” Murray said. Banks will take losses when these loans are unloaded, impairing capital and in some cases leading to bank failures.

Dead Banks Walking Part 1

The Hindenburg report provides many individual examples of sketchy loans made by Axos to sketchy characters. Not atypical is one where Axos lent up to $97.5 million for an apartment construction project in Queens where the “borrower has been criminally indicted twice personally, including a case involving a construction kickback scheme with a mafia captain. His company was indicted in a third case.”

Why the Democrats are Throwing the Presidential Election

Everything seems A-OK with the U.S. economy on the surface. But, the latest Grant’s Interest Rate Observer’s lead story, entitled “The case of the fragile 27%” uses the report by Paul Kupiec, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C., to make the case that systemic risk to the nation’s banking system is bubbling just below the economy’s surface. 

Nuclear Option Has Foreign Central Banks Dodging the Dollar & Going for Gold

Saleha Mohsin, author of  Paper Soldiers: How the Weaponization of the Dollar Changed the World Order told Alloway and Weisenthal, “In 2001, 9/11 hits and, you know, the Global War on Terror did not start with military tanks rolling into some country or American troops in their boots hitting the ground somewhere. It started Sept. 24th, 2001 with George W. Bush, with a stroke of a pen giving the US Treasury Department the authority to weaponize the dollar.”

Orwell's America

So, for the really rich a misplaced day in New York (or on the other coast, California) can mean millions lost to the tax authority. How serious is this? Nahmias and Kamisher write, “state officials are stepping up already-intense scrutiny to make sure former residents have actually moved. It’s a complex operation that involves cutting-edge artificial intelligence and tracking everything from travel to the location of people’s pets.”